September 15, 2017

Itineraries in Oregon: discover and visit the “Stand by me” movie’s locations

Among the many itineraries in Oregon, you cannot help to consider those tied to the discovery of the movie locations of many cult movies to reckon […]
June 14, 2017

California on the road: a 9 days itinerary. From the San Francisco Bay Area as far as the Northern Coast

A 9 days itinerary through the Northern California on the road. Why go there? What to do and what to see? What stages do we have […]
June 12, 2017

What to see in Oregon: visit Astoria and its neighborhoods to discover the locations of “The Goonies” movie

Every time I am asked what to see in Oregon beyond Portland, the Golden Coast and the wonderful National, State Parks and Monuments framing it, I […]
June 6, 2017

Visit the Winchester Mystery House in San Jose, California: a journey into the history and the mystery of one among the most haunted houses in the USA

The Winchester Mystery House is a one-of-a-kind place in the world. It’s one of those sites that due to its geographical position, the peculiarity of the […]
June 6, 2017

What to see in Oakland, California: a journey into the essence and the daily routine of the most authentic community in the East Bay Area, a stone’s throw from San Francisco

What to see in Oakland and above all why – in the wide offer of the San Francisco Bay Area – choose to stop for a […]
June 5, 2017

Visit Mendocino, California: a journey into the Jessica Fletcher’s “Cabot Cove”, an ancient village of the “New England” straight on the Pacific Ocean

Visit Mendocino in the north of an unusual and – if possible – even more charming California. And find oneself, as if by magic, in an […]
May 28, 2017

What to see in Northern California: Bodega Bay, “The Birds” movie locations by Hitchcock and the story of The Tides restaurant

It’s one of those places that “it’s worth it the journey”, in the full meaning of the expression. And they are by rights in the top […]
May 20, 2017

Travel to Oregon: an 8 days itinerary. All the magic and the beauty of a unique state among coast, towns, nature and parks

Why think about to set out on a travel to Oregon? For its breathtaking nature, unexpected in its vastness and largeness. For “the savors” from the world, […]
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