Media Kit

In Italian


Simona Sacri Travel Writer born October 3, 2012 with the idea to telling the world, in all its aspects, through the eyes and experiences of a independent traveler.

Nearly 100 countries crossed, with a particular focus on the United States of America, visited in more than 60 trips, through unusual itineraries, personally designed and developed, and big cities.

A travel site, a mix of photos, stories and videos, a landmark for those who wish to have travel tips and information about the places to visit, the organization, the facilities, the transportations, the culture and traditions, practical advice.

A small reality, based on real experience of a single, expert traveler, that growing day by day, thanks to the interest of its readers.


Let’s talk about the numbers


Simona Sacri Travel Writer is mainly the result of a great passion.

The fact that over time has gained some visibility does not change its basic features that are the quality of the contents, the accuracy of the statements and respect for the readers.


Blog monthly stats


  • Visitors 100.000
  • Newsletter 6.000 subscribers


 Social Media



In all are made more shares daily photo and post, always related to the blog, and community groups dedicated to the journey.

The feedback and participation are often more than satisfactory.




Simona Sacri Travel Writer, as written above, is based on the experiences of a passionate, professional and expert traveler.

For this its collaborations are aimed to create itineraries tailored to customer needs and to give visibility to facilities, activities, places and tourist organizations.

Among these:

Several tourist offices, including NYCGO, UP State Ny, Hudson Valley, IPW, Discover New England, Visit Massachusetts, Greater Merrimack Valley, Visit Denver, Seattle, AIANTA Indian Alaska native Association, St. Louis, New Orleans, Travel South USA, Alaska Travel, NYCGO, Great American West,Travel Oregon, Visit California, Virginia Love, Washington DC, Visit Florida, New Mexico True, Visit Detroit, Visit Dallas, Moab Area Travel Council, The official tourism organization of  the U.S. Virgin Islandsthe Springfield Convention & Visitors Boureau (Illinois) and the Conventions & Visitor Boureau Hannibal (Missouri), and also in the rest of the World, including Alamo Rent a Car, GOTokyo, Germany.Travel, and the Tourism Association of Sarajevo Canton,  Destination Florence, etc..

And also, among the most important:


  • A World Tour (October / November 2014) in collaboration with Naar TO. The first big project, a journey of a month through Japan, Hawaii and the US East Coast (New York included) that has attracted considerable interest both in social (whose interaction has been high and constant) and on the blog.
  • Lufthansa and ANA (All Nippon Airways) – #PremiumEconomy- and Air Dolomiti (#airdolomiti25).
  • And still Lufthansa and Visit Denver #LHtoDenver (promotion of new flight Munich/Denver and discover Denver)
  • Travel Writer of the project designed by Delta Airlines and Explore Minnesota to inaugurate the new way flight Rome / Minneapolis, #DeltaLovesMinneapolis.
  • Expedia, Booking, Go with Oh apartments, Allianz Global Assistance,, Hundredrooms, etc..
  • Expert on USA destinations for Fam Trip Naar TO 2019.
  • Creator and curator of personalized itineraries for Itinerari d’Autore.
  • Creator and curator of the first Italian podcast dedicated to travel to the USA, USA on the road – viaggi negli States!
  • Creator – with Olga Mazzoni Thema Nuovi Mondi – and curator of 400 Thanks! the only podcast in Italian dedicated to the celebration of 400° Thanksgiving.
  • Contributor for Gateway America.
  • Author for Qmagazine USA.
  • Creator and curator with Tour Operator Antesignum Tours  of the first day tour dedicated to “Nativi Americani che liberarono l’Italia”.
  • Creator and curator of 400 Thanks! the only podcast in Italian dedicated to the celebration of the 400th Thanksgiving.
  • Author of the United States & Canada travel section of the new Magazine.
  • Member of the Italian Delegation for International Pow Wow – IPW 2022, Orlando, Florida.
  • Member of the Italian Delegation for International Pow Wow – IPW 2023, San Antonio, Texas.
  • Author of Magazine EMOZIONI for Bluvacanze TO.
  • Member of the Italian Press Delegation for 250th Anniversary of Boston Tea Party, Boston, December 16th 2023.


More and more readers choose travel routes and tourist services according to the suggestions offered by the blogs, by the social networks activities and radio interview (weekly and monthly).


Awards, publications and mentions


  • Winner of the 2015 MEDIA AWARD for the “Exemplary contributions and distinguished service towards the promotion of Italian Tourism to the United States of America“, during Showcase USA Italy 2016, Turin.
  • Site selected as BestTravel Blog for the United States in Italy.
  • Honorary Member – from September 2016 – of the Visit USA Italy Association.
  • Winner of the 2019 BROADCAST MEDIA AWARD for the “Promotion of the United States of America destination through radio programs, narrating trips and impression“, during Showcase USA Italy 2019, Bergamo.
  • Author of the ebook New York City Ghost Tour.
  • Co-author – author in the chapters dedicated to the United States – of the ultimate Italian Guide for free women travelers Guida delle libere viaggiatrici.
  • Contributor in Digital Strategy per il Turismo, a new “manual-guide” dedicated to the operators in the tourism sector, with a very useful in-depth analysis of all those tools and strategies necessary to move around the web.
  • Winner of the 2020 BROADCAST MEDIA AWARD “for the Promotion of the United States of America destination through radio programs, narrating trips and impression“, during Showcase USA Italy 2021, on line.
  • Winner of the 2020 Art and Culture MEDIA AWARD for “The narration of Art and Culture of the United States of America destinations in the blog and radio programs”, during Showcase USA Italy 2021, on line.
  • Winner of the Broadcast and Podcast Media Award 2022 “for the promotion of the United States of America and for improving consumers’ knowledge of the destination United States through personal travel experience, broadcast channels and Podcast”. Showcase USA Italy, Como Lake, April 7, 2022.
  • Winner of 2023 Media Award for the USA, Chiostro Cappuccio, US Consulate in Milan,  “For adding high value in promoting the United States as a destination on online communication channels.”
  • Winner of 2024 Media Award for the USA, during Showcase USA – Italy, Florence,  “For adding high value in promoting the United States as a destination on online communication channels.”








Skype:  simonettas75

Phone:  +39 3384618837

P. IVA: 04426370401






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