
March 29, 2017

Visit the Zeppelin Museum: a journey into the “Belle Époque”, when dirigibles flew from Friedrichshafen as far as New York

Visit the Zeppelin Museum, Friedrichshafen, on Lake Constance is a bit as to set out on a charming journey back in time and – exciting only to imagine it […]
March 10, 2017

Visit the Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen: the ancient library which has inspired “The Name of the Rose” by Umberto Eco

Visit the Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen is a special, intense and probably unique experience. An emotional journey back in time through history, literature, medicine, music, art, even […]
March 1, 2017

A journey to Bodensee: visit Lake Constance. An itinerary among 4 countries, from St. Gallen to Vaduz

The surprise and the emotion of a journey to Bodensee. What am I talking about precisely? About the idyllic region extending around Lake Constance and developing […]
January 8, 2017

The Hidden Treasures (I “Tesori nascosti”), the new exhibition-museum by Vittorio Sgarbi in Naples. Impressions, cues and tips

The Hidden Treasures – “I tesori nascosti”: Timo di Camaino, Caravaggio, Gemito…an art exhibition that actually is a museum. By these words Vittorio Sgarbi on the […]
January 8, 2017

A weekend in Garda Trentino: itinerary, tips and emotions

My weekend in Garda Trentino. An itinerary among history, traditions, savours and emotions. From Arco to the small and nice villages gravitating around Tenno as far […]
January 7, 2017

To eat in London (and not only): tips and tips-off by who lives there, to enjoy it “like a local”

What and above all where to eat in London? And since we are at it, where to taste a good beer and go shopping in London […]
November 4, 2016

To Tokyo with Lufthansa and ANA, report, tips and impressions

Flying with Lufthansa & ANA – All Nippon Airways. An ambitious and stimulating project, 6 days to make it concrete, two (more than comfortable, I’d add) […]
August 11, 2016

Badrutt’s Palace Hotel, St Moritz: 120 years of history, charm and welcome

“How to establish the exact moment in which a story begins? Everything has already begun before. The first line of the first page of every novel […]
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