Simona Sacri

October 13, 2018

How to plan a journey to Alaska: everything you need to know to choose and plan an itinerary to the “Last Frontier”

How to plan a journey to Alaska and – above all – where to start from? How to be able to choose and plan the most […]
October 8, 2018

What to see in Detroit and neighborhoods: 2 days itinerary discovering the “Motor City” of America. Stages, tips and practical info

It’s impossible to start writing about what to see in Detroit and neighborhoods without at least mention the great changes that affected the city known as […]
September 3, 2018

What to see in New Mexico: visit the Petroglyph National Monument to discover over 20.000 rupestrian inscriptions by the Pueblo Natives

What to see in New Mexico driving the historic Route 66 between Santa Fe and Albuquerque? Something particular which cannot take too much time, but at […]
August 30, 2018

Arizona National Parks: visit Petrified Forest National Park and Painted Desert. Stages, trails, curious issues and… Route 66!

Visit Petrified Forest National Park – and Painted Desert – it means to go through hills and valleys with boundless color shades, drive trails with a […]
August 22, 2018

Where to sleep on Route 66: 10 historic motels (and hotels) not to miss. A small guidebook, tips and curious issues

“My idea of heaven is me and my wife on Route 66 with a pot of coffee, a cheap guitar, pawnshop tape recorder in a Motel […]
August 19, 2018

Summer in New York, what to do: visit Governors Island, the ancient and fascinating “garden-island” with a view of Nyc

If you are going to spend a part of your Summer in New York – or maybe you are already there – and would like to […]
August 19, 2018

New York never seen before: I tell you the story – and the tour – of the Jeffrey’s Hook lighthouse. The Little Red Lighthouse, the novel for children by Hildegarde Swift

My New York never seen before. Its thousand stories to “listen to”, its places – surprising and charming – outside the (ultra) famous tourist routes by […]
July 26, 2018

What to see in Los Angeles in one day: itinerary, stages and useful tips to optimize times and enjoy LA at its best

What to see in Los Angeles in one day? It’s difficult being able to organize in few hours the tour of a so boundless and variegated […]
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